
Dr. Becker announces upcoming MS-SCUBA Diving Trip

131124 MSSCUBA LogoEver since the publication of the groundbreaking observations that occurred when Dr. Becker took a group of paralyzed Veterans SCUBA diving, people have been asking when there will be another study and if they could be a part of it.  Here is your opportunity!

Our next trip will occur in the spring of 2014 to the beautiful Cayman Islands.  Dr. Becker is organizing a fund raiser for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society Maryland Chapter with the goal of giving a group of people with multiple sclerosis the opportunity to experience one week of open water SCUBA diving.  We will bring in highly experienced diving instructors from all over the US to ensure a safe and fun experience.  Dr. Becker will again collaborate with his Johns Hopkins colleagues to observe and document how people with MS respond to SCUBA diving.

The last trip was documented by an Emmy Award winning film crew, the result of which is the documentary “Sea of Change” that is currently being shown on PBS stations all across the country.  While we can’t promise that we will have the film team with us again, we are certain that the trip will attract a lot of media attention.

If you have multiple sclerosis or know of a family member or friend with MS who would like to be on this trip, please send an email with your name, phone number and email address to MSSCUBA@INIRehab.com.  Your name will be placed on a waiting list in the order it was received.  We will announce the fund raising target in early December and the first 10 people who reach or exceed the target will be guaranteed a seat on the trip.  Stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks.

Posted in MS-SCUBA